Thursday, April 10, 2008

Do Truly Green & Sustainable Businesses Exist?

"the world's largest retailer is using a network approach to decrease its environmental footprint—and increase its profitability."

Several items coincided in the inbox and thus caught my attention. An article from SSIR regarding the putative Greening of WalMart arrived in their e-newsletter and before I could huff and puff and cynically delete, I noted another story to remind me of the power this particular retailing giant has to influence whole industries (c.f. End of Hormones in Milk)." So I read about the practice of using networks to "green" the bottomline and found it intriguing. I'm also intensely curious about the hyper-institutionalization of sustainability discourse in business these days, haven't had time to check it out, but the Sustainable Brands Conference sounds like a good place to start investigating.